There are no refunds for memberships of any type.

Monthly and Yearly subscriptions are recurring until cancelled. To cancel visit our website and sign in/login to the User Account Dashboard and click “cancel subscription”. Any applied coupons or discounts will expire prior to or upon cancellation depending on the coupon terms. If a coupon/discount has a finite redemption period, at the end of the redemption period you will be charged the full price of the recurring subscription purchased on the following billing cycle. At the end of a free trial, you will be automatically charged for the purchased membership price. If you wish to cancel before the free trial ends, visit our website and sign in/login to the User Account Dashboard and click “cancel subscription”. Billing cycle starts the day of purchase.

Refunds and Cancellations There are no refunds for memberships of any type.

Monthly and Yearly subscriptions are recurring until cancelled. To cancel visit our website and sign in/login to the User Account Dashboard and click “cancel subscription”. Any applied coupons or discounts will expire prior to or upon cancellation depending on the coupon terms. If a coupon/discount has a finite redemption period, at the end of the redemption period you will be charged the full price of the recurring subscription purchased on the following billing cycle. At the end of a free trial, you will be automatically charged for the purchased membership price. If you wish to cancel before the free trial ends, visit our website and sign in/login to the User Account Dashboard and click “cancel subscription”. Billing cycle starts the day of purchase.